Thursday, July 26, 2012

So Long Carbs...Hello Confidence!

Do you know what is MOST disturbing when trying to run? The smell of bacon frying outside someone’s house! It’s not that I want to eat it—it’s just the fact that hot humid days mixed with fried bacon and running is a nasty combo that makes me want to hurl…

Yes, I’m still at it! But I’ve ventured off into my own running plan. The website plan wanted me to stop/ start five times. I lacked that little bit of motivation towards the end of my run.  So I decided instead of stop/start five times, I’d run 4 minutes/walk 4 minutes (repeat three more times). After running two cycles, I think, “Okay I only have to do this two more times.” And then when I get to the third time I’m thinking, “Okay, you’re at the finish line-you can do this ONCE more. And finally, when I’ve completed my final run I’m thinking, “Oh thank God it’s OVER! I don’t know how I could have done THAT one more time!”

What most women would like to eat everyday all the time!
I’m pleased beyond words with how I feel. I now, can’t remember the last time I woke up in the middle of the night because I couldn’t sleep. As soon as my head hits the pillow, I’m out.  And my whole outlook on life is changing. My mentality has changed to “calm and relaxed” instead of stressing over "every little tiny thing". It’s amazing how all your hormones seem to balance out when you exercise.

I can’t say enough about supportive friendships. A friend of mine is going to help me figure out why I’m losing inches but not pounds. She’s a personal trainer and has recommended I start I can already tell you what my problem is… What female doesn’t love some good ole’ CARBS?! I could live on cereal, macaroni & cheese, and brownies with no complaints at all. But we all know that's NOT the way to go!

Haha, had to post this because this is EXACTLY how I feel!
And I have another friend who suggested we should run together. She’s a very advanced runner. When I start to think about us running together my mind gets dizzy… I picture myself running 30 feet behind her with sweat drenching down my back and wheezing loud enough for the whole neighborhood to hear : ) She’s also put the possible idea of a 5K in my head. I say possible, because at this point running a 5K freaks me out. The support has really motivated me and running has been so beneficial. However, it’s clear I lack confidence in my ability. And I definitely want Baby Girl to see her momma as a confident woman. So the best way to teach her is to model good behavior…it’s time for me to begin accepting everything about me as good and work on my weaknesses with my head held high.

Progress Update: 
  • Running 4 minutes/walk 4 minutes (repeat 3 more times) totally 16 minutes running now!
  • Lost 7 inches total!
  • No weight change…
  • Feeling Stress Free!
  • Sleeping Through the Night!
  • No Headaches!
  • No Shoulder Tension!
  • New Goal… Work on Confidence.

This verse just popped into my head right before I hit "Publish" blog and I had to include it.

Hebrews 12:1-2a

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith...

Isn't that wonderful! As you run your race in life, strip off all the baggage that's slowing you down. Get rid of all that negative stuff that's tripping you up. God wants you to run this race just as you are...he is pefecting your faith in Him. Run it to the finish line always telling yourself, "I can do this ONCE more!"


  1. You could be gaining muscle, hence the scale hasn't changed, but the inches are coming off. This has happened to me several times. Muscles are far heavier than fat!

    I also second MyFitnessPal. I am on it, and love it!

  2. 1 Corinthians 9:24- "Do you not know that in a race all runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize." I love this verse and thought it can not only apply to our Christian lives, but also your personal story. Keep it up sister!

  3. Great Blog and Great job!!! I look forward to reading your progress!!

  4. Dena, I hope that I am just building muscle! That would be a positive but I have no way of knowing if that's true. I guess I will know more through

    Vannah, I love that verse. It fits perfectly with the blog. Can't wait to see you soon!

    Katie, thanks for the compliment! Any advice from someone as physically fit as you would be helpful : ) You look amazing!
