Saturday, July 7, 2012

Road Blocks

Hmmmm…road blocks. We seem to face so many of them in this life.  Road Blocks on the highway, road blocks in our relationships, road blocks with our finances, and even road blocks in our relationship with God. They can be so very frustrating because we ultimately lose control when faced with a road block…
Me and Miss Independent!
One week ago, The Hubs, Baby Girl and I started out on a weekend trip to Tennessee. We were going to celebrate my mamow’s birthday. I was so excited to see ALL of my family: cousins, aunts, uncles, mamow, papow, parents and siblings. Oh my family is so special to me! We all grew up in Kentucky together and then for many different reasons, we all moved in the 90’s; some of us to Virginia, some to Tennessee and some stayed in Kentucky. So you can imagine how excited I was that everyone was traveling to Tennessee to spend some quality time together.
(This is where it gets kinda gross)
That morning, I went to wake up Baby Girl and found that she had vomited in her crib.  We cleaned her up and fed her breakfast…with the intention of leaving at 10 AM. At 9:45 AM, Baby Girl was moaning and walked over to my legs and held on. I picked her up and rubbed her back…she laid her head on my shoulder and…VOMITED AGAIN. You can imagine my horror, as this has been the first time in my life that someone threw up on me. But I remained calm and we cleaned her up again.
Bucket Head!
I’ll spare you more gruesome details but we started driving and Baby Girl threw up four more times! The car seat was a complete disaster. Reluctantly, we decided that she couldn’t handle the trip and turned around to come home. At home, we bathed her and surprisingly she ate a whole pb&j sandwich! Two hours later and we were PUKE FREE. Sooooo, we decided to try again….you can imagine what happened next. Yes two more times! Thank God for wipes and multiple changes of clothes. I felt so bad for her.
Half way into our trip, we hit a 10 mile backup because of an accident. We take a 30 minute detour around the accident (another road block averted). We finally make it to Tennessee (30 minutes from our destination). I’m driving and notice  that the car needs gas. So we pull over and The Hubs volunteers to pump the gas. For whatever reason,  this is what happens next.
I take the keys out of the ignition and lay them in the cup holder. I jump out of the driver’s seat to check on Baby Girl and hit the UNLOCK button. I close the driver side door. I try to open the back door and discover that YES, I LOCKED THE CAR INSTEAD! And yes again, BABY GIRL IS INSIDE. At this moment, I completely panic.
Drinking Milk and Coloring at Cracker Barrel
“Oh no! What do I do?” I say to THE HUBS, “I locked Baby Girl in the car…do you have a spare set of keys?”
Of course he looks at me like I’m crazy and then you can see frustration cross his eyes. But, (points for The Hubs here) he doesn’t get angry at me and tells me to go inside and tell the Cashier.
Oh I wanted to hit myself in the head so many times for this. It reminds me of that V8 commercial where somebody gets hit in the head and says, “Should've had a V8.” But instead I hit myself in the head and say, “Should've had a brain.”
Long story short, the locksmith comes, the police come, and yes the ambulance comes! We finally make it to Tennessee at 11 PM. Man, can you count the road blocks there?! This 6 hour trip took 13 hours!
For some reason, God didn’t want us to get to Tennessee that quick. Maybe it was because of that accident we had to detour around. For whatever reason, God had a different plan than ours. And you know what, it might have taken us 13 hours to get there but we had such a good time when we finally made it. Baby Girl and her cousin played together just like all of us cousins did when we were little.
Babies Playing Corn Hole!
It’s funny how God works sometimes. I guess I just need to face the music and realize that yes, there will be road blocks in life but when you reach your destination it will be oh so much sweeter. Think about your own life. What are your road blocks? Why do you think God hasn’t given you exactly what you want? Why has it taken so long? I believe it’s because He wants you to appreciate it so much more, when you finally arrive. He wants us to realize how blessed we really are and how good He really is to us. I’ve been thinking of another Bible Verse lately which says…
I lift my eyes unto the hills. Where does my help come from? My Help comes from the Lord-The Maker of Heaven and Earth.  Psalm 121:1-2

Listen to this beautiful song which speaks of Psalm 121. Praise You in this Storm

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